Saturday, March 24, 2007

Review: Tuya's Wedding

What's that burning?

Winning several awards, Wang Quanan's Tuya's Wedding is a refreshing yet simplistic view of a mongolian family turned for the worse when she discovers that she has slipped a disc in her back while helping a friend in need. Aggravating it will only cause her to be paralyzed waist down, just like her husband. So having her being the house bearer ever since then, she has no choice but to listen to his husband's advice to divorce him and get another suitor but under a condition for which her new husband will take him into the household. And so begins the journey of self perseverance and change, fighting among the fire of angst and confusion.

Set in the vast plain grassland/desert of the mongolian/china province, the feeling of loneliness and disconnection was very much a character in itself.

Yu Nan's phenomenal performance as the super-wife was a standing ovation effort, taking note of a scene in the hospital room with her husband and family after he attempted suicide was certainly a tear jerking moment which practically sums up her inner feelings.

Although the ending is much to be a good after taste, one has to acknowledge that this film is only part of the journey and this is one journey you would' t want to miss.

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